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About me

Hello there!! I am an 18 year old guy from India who is addicted to computers and the internet :) I am passionate about free/libre software, hacker culture (PS: hacker culture is not cybersecurity) and the internet.

I mostly go by the name fury999io on the internet and sometimes fury999. However you should trust an online account claiming to be me only if it's listed here.

Since you have reached my little corner of the internet, I would be glad if you could sign my guestbook (unfortunately they have added cloudflare, i will switch to another guestbook soon)

Name: fury999io
Age: 18 (As of 2024)
Pronouns: he/him ♂️
Nationality: Bharat (India) Ancient flag of India
Languages: English, Bengali, Hindi


Email: fury999io [at] gmail.com (GPG)(HOWTO)
Matrix: @fury999io:matrix.org (OPEN)
IRC: fury999io on Libera.Chat , OFTC, TechRights

RSS feeds Mastodon YouTube Twitter/X GitHub Telegram

Check /links for all my links and contact details.

Suggested blogs

Complete list of my blogs can be found at /blogs.
Subscribe to my blogs over email or RSS feeds.

Other stuff

1. I have gopher, gemini, onion and eepsite too. 2. Some cool sites collection by me which I recommend visiting.
3. You can track this site's uptime status here.

© Copyright 2021-2024 fury999io